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Work with Me

connecting soul and science to overcome self-limiting beliefs

Imagine if you could reprogram your mind. RTT allows you to hack your subconscious mind and reprogram it with whatever YOU choose. This means you no longer need to work twice as hard swimming upstream to work against old habits and self-limiting beliefs. It typically requires one to three sessions to target a particular issue. So for example, if you want to target public speaking, that would be a session. If you also want to resolve emotional eating, that would be another session. Some issues and some clients will require more sessions to bring about a lasting change.


Being in a hypnotic state means your subconscious mind is much more open to accepting suggestions to improve or change a mindset. In turn, you can view an issue from a different more optimistic perspective, allowing you to regain control of a situation. With each session, your receive a personalised hypnotherapy audio. The mind learns by building new neural pathways through REPETITION, so it is very important for you to listen to it daily for 21 days. This is the homework you need to do to reinforce the new affirming beliefs and positive habits that YOU choose.. Whatever your area of concern, you will be in a discreet, safe and non-judgemental environment.

The focus will be on getting you from where you are in your life, whether it be work, relationships or well-being, to where you want to be. 

What to expect 

All great minds hypnotherapy

Discovery call

20 minute call to discuss the issue(s) at hand, after which clients complete an intake form

RTT hypnotherapy

RTT session

120 minute session

(virtual or in-person)
*some clients and issues may require additional sessions

RTT personalised hypnotherapy audio

Transformation audio

A personalised hypnotherapy recording for the specific issue, to be listened to daily for 21 days

RTT hypnotherapy


Post session check-ins for follow up questions during the 21 day period

Friends at the Beach
all great minds hypnotherapy chair

Single session

all great minds hypnotherapy session

3 session program

all great minds workshops and mentoring


Conducted in-person or virtually, RTT helps you overcome persistent issue(s) holding you back from reaching your desired goals.


1 x 20 minute Discovery Call

1 x 120 minute RTT session

1 x personal hypnosis recording 

Weekly check-ins



Some issues and some clients will require more sessions in order to explore the root cause and reprogram old beliefs. 


3 x 20 minute Discovery call

3 x 120 minute RTT session

3 x personal hypnosis recording

3x Weekly check-ins




Feb 13th, 2024

Enter The Dragon: A Gratitude & Inspiration Workshop

Good Peoples, 603 Valley Centre, Wan Chai


June 15th, 2024

A Return to Me Workshop

The Upper House, Pacific Place

88 Queensway, Admirality

Book a Discovery Call

This 20 minute Discovery Call allows us to discuss the issues you want to deal with, understand what your goal are for the RTT® sessions and whether I'm the right person to help you achieve those goals.

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